
Philippines prison an unlikely place for one of YouTube's biggest hits | KOMO-TV - Seattle, Washington | National & World News

Philippines prison an unlikely place for one of YouTube's biggest hits:

"I hope that all the people who see us will be happy in knowing that we, despite being prisoners, we were able to do this," said Nierre, in prison five years awaiting trial on drug charges.

"Before the dancing, our problems were really heavy to bear. Dancing takes our minds away from our problems. Our bodies became more healthy. As for the judges, they may be impressed with us, seeing that we are being rehabilitated and this could help our case. We are being rehabilitated in a good way."

With the court system overworked, officials have been trying to ease overcrowding and brutal conditions in prisons. President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo once said a life sentence in a Philippine prison was worse than death.

Inmates say that's how it used to be here, with a fight or other violent incident breaking out an average of once a week.

"I wanted a program where everyone would exercise an hour a day," Garcia said. "One day, I saw these waves of orange people (in the exercise yard). I thought it looked very nice."

The goal was something the inmates could consider an accomplishment and that would teach camaraderie and teamwork.

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